
Have you been considering an education in arboriculture, but don’t know what options are available? We’ve compiled a list of academic degree programs to make this process easier. This page provides an incomplete list of schools that offer programs related to arboriculture and tree care.

Help us complete our list! Do you know of a degree program that should be added to our page? Let us know.

School Department Degree(s) Details
University of Alaska - Anchorage
Bachelor Environmental Studies
University of Alaska - Fairbanks
Bachelor, Master Natural Resource Management / Forestry Minor
Alabama A & M University
Bachelor Forestry
Alabama Cooperative Extension System Forestry Forestry
Auburn University Dept. of Horticulture Bachelor, Master, Doctorate Horticulture
Auburn University School of Forestry Bachelor, Master, Doctorate Forestry
Chattahoochee Valley State Community College Forestry Transfer Program
Jefferson State Community College Associate Landscape Technology
Lurleen B. Wallace State Junior College Associate Landscape Technology
Tuskegee University Dept. of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Bachelor
Tuskegee University Transfer Program Forestry
Wallace State Comm. College Certificate Horticulture
Arkansas State University College of Agriculture & Technology Horticulture / Minor
Arkansas Northeastern College Associate Horticulture, Landscaping, & Nursery Operations
Southern Arkansas University Dept of Agriculture Associate, Bachelor Agriculture (Forestry or Horticulture)
University of Arkansas Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food & Life Sciences Bachelor, Master, Doctorate Horticulture, Landscape, & Turf Sciences
University of Arkansas Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food & Life Sciences Bachelor, Master, Doctorate Environmental, Soil & Water Science
University of Arkansas - Monticello Bachelor, Master Forestry
Arizona State University Polytechnic Bachelor, Master Urban Horticulture
Eastern Arizona College Associate Forestry
Mesa Community College Associate / Urban Horticulture
Mesa Community College Certificate Landscape Aide, Landscape Specialist
Northern Arizona University School of Forestry Bachelor, Master, Doctorate Forestry
University of Arizona School of Plant Sciences Bachelor Plant Science
American River College Associate, Certificate Horticulture
Antelope Valley College Associate, Certificate Environmental Horticulture
Bakersfield College Agriculture Associate, Certificate Forestry and Natural Resources
Bakersfield College Associate, Certificate Environmental Horticulture
Biola University Environmental Science Bachelor Environmental Science
Butte College Associate, Certificate Natural Resources Management
Butte College Associate, Certificate Environmental Horticulture
Butte College Certificate Landscape/Turfgrass Technician
Cabrillo College Associate General Horticulture & Crop Production, Landscape Horticulture
California Baptist University College of Arts & Sciences Bachelor Environmental Science
California Polytechnic State University - Pomona Bachelor Environmental Biology
California Polytechnic State University - Pomona Bachelor Plant Sciences
California Polytechnic State University - San Luis Obispo 11-230 Horticulture & Crop Science Dept. Bachelor Environmental Horticultural Science
California Polytechnic State University - San Luis Obispo Bachelor, Master Forestry and Natural Resources
California Polytechnic State University - San Luis Obispo Bachelor Landscape Architecture
California State University - East Bay Bachelor Environmental Science
California State University - Fresno Bachelor Plant Science
California State University - Monterey Bay Natural Sciences Bachelor Environmental Science/Studies
California State University - Sacramento Bachelor Environmental Studies
California State University - San Bernardino Bachelor, Master Environmental Science
City College of San Francisco Associate Environmental Horticulture
College of San Mateo Associate Horticulture
College of the Desert Associate, Certificate Environmental Horticulture & Turf Management
College of the Redwoods Associate, Certificate Forestry
Columbia College Associate, Certificate Forestry/Natural Resources
Cuyamaca College Associate, Certificate / Ornamental Horticulture/Arboriculture
Diablo Valley College Certificate Environmental Horticulture
El Camino College Associate Environmental Horticulture
Humboldt State University Bachelor, Master Forestry
Long Beach City College Associate Horticulture
Merced College Associate, Certificate Landscape Horticulture
Merritt College Associate Landscape Horticulture
MiraCosta College Associate, Certificate Horticulture
Modesto Junior College Associate Environmental Horticulture
Modesto Junior College Associate Agriculture Science
Mount San Antonio College Associate Horticulture & Park Management
Pierce College - Los Angeles Associate Horticulture
Reedley College Associate Environmental Horticulture
Reedley College Associate Forestry and Natural Resources
Saddleback College Associate, Certificate Horticulture & Landscape Design
San Diego State University Bachelor Environmental Science
San Jose State University Bachelor, Master Environmental Studies
Shasta College Associate Horticulture
Sierra College Associate Environmental Horticulture
Sonoma State University Bachelor Environmental Science
University of California - Riverside Bachelor, Master, Doctorate Plant Biology
University of California - Davis Bachelor Environmental Horticulture & Urban Forestry
University of California - Santa Cruz Bachelor Plant Science
University of California - Santa Cruz Bachelor, Master, Doctorate Environmental Science
Ventura College Associate Agricultural Plant Science
Colorado State University Horticulture Department Bachelor, Master, Doctorate Horticulture
Colorado State University Bachelor, Master, Doctorate Horticulture & Landscape Architecture
Colorado State University Bachelor, Master, Doctorate Environmental Horticulture - Arboriculture and Urban Forestry Courses
Colorado State University Bachelor, Master, Doctorate Forest and Rangeland Stewardship
Front Range Community College (Larimer Campus) Associate, Certificate Horticulture & Landscape Design
Front Range Community College (Larimer Campus) Associate, Certificate Forestry and Natural Resources
Front Range Community College (Westminster Campus) Associate, Certificate Horticulture & Landscape Design
Northeastern Junior College Associate, Certificate Forestry
Naugatuck Valley Community College Associate, Certificate Horticulture/ Landscape Design
Wamogo Regional High School Courses Courses in the Green Industry
Yale University School of Forestry & Environmental Studies Bachelor, Master, Doctorate Environmental Studies
Yale University School of Forestry & Environmental Studies Master Forestry
Delaware Technical Community College Associate Horticulture
University of Delaware Bachelor Landscape Horticulture
University of Delaware Bachelor Urban Forestry, Urban Ecology
Florida A&M University Bachelor Ornamental Horticulture
Florida A&M University Bachelor, Master, Doctorate Environmental Science
Florida Gateway College (formerly Lake City Community College) Certificate Horticulture
Palm Beach State College (formerly Palm Beach Community College) Associate, Certificate Landscape and Horticulture Management
University of Florida College of Agricultural and Life Sciences Bachelor, Master Forest Resources & Conservation
University of Florida College of Agricultural and Life Sciences Bachelor Environmental Management
University of Florida College of Agricultural and Life Sciences Bachelor, Master Horticulture Science
University of South Florida Bachelor, Master Environmental Science & Policy
University of West Florida Bachelor, Master Environmental Management
Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College Associate, Bachelor Forestry
Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College Associate Environmental Horticulture Technology
Albany Technical College Diploma Environmental Horticulture
Andrew College Associate Forestry
Armstrong State University Bachelor Biology/Horticulture
Atlanta Metropolitan College Bachelor Biology
Augusta Technical College Associate Environmental Horticulture
Augusta Technical College Certificate Landscape Specialist
Bainbridge State College Associate Transfer Sciences
Berry College Bachelor Environmental Science
Chattahoochee Technical College (North Metro Campus) Associate Horticulture
Coastal Pines Technical College (formerly Okefenokee Tech) Associate, Diploma Forest Technology
Coastal Pines Technical College (formerly Okefenokee Tech) Diploma Environmental Horticulture
College of Coastal Georgia Transfer Forestry Pre-Major
Colombus Technical College Associate Environmental Horticulture
East Georgia State College Associate Forestry
Fort Valley State University Associate, Bachelor Ornamental Horticulture
Gordon State College Bachelor Forestry
Gwinnett Technical College Associate Environmental Horticulture
Kennesaw State University Bachelor Environmental Science
Middle Georgia State University (formerly Macon State College) Associate Natural Sciences
Middle Georgia State University (formerly Macon State College) Bachelor Biology
North Georgia Technical College Associate Horticulture, Landscaping
Savannah State University Bachelor Environmental Science
Southeastern Technical College-Swainsboro Associate Forestry Technology
Southern Crescent Technical College (formerly Griffin Technical College) Associate, Diploma Horticulture
South Georgia College Bachelor Biology, Nature & Ecology
University of Georgia Horticulture Bachelor, Master, Doctorate Horticulture
University of Georgia Bachelor, Master, Doctorate Forestry
University of Georgia Master Environmental Planning
University of North Georgia/Gainesville Associate Forestry Resources
University of West Georgia Bachelor Environmental Studies
Wiregrass Georgia Technical College (Valdosta Campus) Associate, Diploma Environmental Horticulture
Wiregrass Georgia Technical College (Valdosta Campus) Certificate Landscape Specialist
Young Harris College Bachelor Environmental Science
University of Guam Bachelor Tropical Agriculture
Hawaii Community College Certificate, Associate Agriculture-Landscape
Hawaii Community College Certificate, Associate Tropical Forest Ecosystem & Agroforestry Mgmt
Hawaii Community College Associate Biology
Windward Community College Certificate Plant Landscaping
Windward Community College Certificate Subtropical Urban Tree Care
Dordt College Bachelor Plant Science
Hawkeye Community College Associate Landscape & Turf Management (formerly Horticulture)
Boise State University Bachelor Environmental Biology / Pre-Forestry Transfer Program
Brigham Young University – Idaho Applied Plant Science Bachelor Horticulture, Agronomy, Crop and Soil Sciences
College of Idaho Bachelor Environmental Studies
College of Southern Idaho Associate, Certificate Horticulture
University of Idaho Bachelor Sustainable Crop & Landscape Systems; Environmental Horticulture
University of Idaho Bachelor Arboriculture & Urban Landscape Ecology
University of Idaho Bachelor Forest Resources
University of Idaho Master, PhD Soil & Land Resources
Black Hawk College Associate, Certificate, Transfer Horticulture Science
College of DuPage Associate Horticulture
Eastern Illinois University Bachelor Biology-Horticulture
Illinois Central College Associate, Certificate Horticulture, Landscape
Illinois State University Bachelor Horticulture
Illinois Valley Community College Associate Horticulture/Landscape Management
John Wood Community College Associate Horticulture
Joliet Junior College Associate Landscape Contracting
Joliet Junior College Associate Environmental Horticulture
Joliet Junior College Associate Urban Forestry/Arboriculture
Kishwaukee College Associate, Certificate Horticulture
Lincoln Land Community College Associate, Certificate Landscape Design/Turf Management
Parkland College Associate, Certificate Horticulture: Landscape Design, Construction, & Management
Southeastern Illinois College Transfer Forestry; Horticulture
Southern Illinois University Bachelor, Master Forestry
Southern Illinois University Bachelor Horticulture
Triton College Associate, Certificate Horticulture
Triton College Certificate Landscape Design
Triton College Associate Pre-Forestry
University of Illinois Minor Horticulture
University of Illinois Bachelor, Master Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
Ball State University Bachelor, Master Landscape Architecture
Purdue University Dept. of Forestry Bachelor Forestry
Purdue University Bachelor, Masters Horticulture & Landscape Architecture
Vincennes University Associate Forestry & Conservation
Vincennes University Associate Landscape Horticulture
Kansas State University Dept of Horticulture, Forestry & Recreation Resources Bachelor, Master, Doctorate Horticulture
Berea College Bachelor, Minor Agriculture & Natural Resources
Berea College Minor Forest Resource Management
Eastern Kentucky University Associate, Bachelor Pre-Forestry
Eastern Kentucky University Associate, Bachelor Horticulture
Morehead State University Ag Science Department Associate, Bachelor Horticulture
Murray State University Horticulture Dept. Bachelor Horticulture
University of Kentucky Horticulture Bachelor Horticulture
University of Kentucky Forestry Bachelor, Master Forestry
Western Kentucky University Bachelor Horticulture
Delgado Community College Certificate Horticulture Technology
Louisiana State University Bachelor Forestry
Louisiana State University Bachelor, Master Landscape Architecture
Louisiana State University Bachelor Horticulture
Louisiana Tech University Bachelor Forest Management
Louisiana Tech University Bachelor Geographic Information Science - Natural Resources
Southeastern Louisiana University Bachelor Horticulture
Southern University and A&M College Bachelor, Master, Doctorate Urban Forestry
University of Louisiana - Lafayette Bachelor Landscape & Horticulture Mgmt. Concentration
Cape Cod Community College Certificate Horticulture; Horticulture Technician
Cape Cod Community College Certificate Landscape Construction; Landscape Maintenance
North Shore Community College Associate Environmental Horticulture
Springfield Technical Community College Associate, Transfer Associate Landscape Design & Management Technology
University of Massachusetts Amherst, Stockbridge School of Agriculture Associate, Bachelor, Doctorate Arboriculture & Community Forest Management
University of Massachusetts Amherst, Stockbridge School of Agriculture Master, PhD Environmental Conservation, Forest Resources & Arboriculture Concentration
Allegany College of Maryland Associate Forest Technology
Community College of Baltimore County Associate Sustainable Horticulture
Frostburg College Minor Urban Forestry
Howard Community College Associate Horticulture
Montgomery College Associate, Certificate Landscape Technology
Morgan State Master Landscape Architecture
University of Maryland Bachelor, Master, Doctorate Plant Sciences
University of Maryland Bachelor, Master, Doctorate Urban Forestry
University of Maryland Bachelor, Master, Doctorate Horticulture
University of Maryland Bachelor, Master, Doctorate Landscape Architecture
University of Maryland Eastern Shore Bachelor Urban Forestry
Southern Maine Community College Associate Horticulture
Unity College Bachelor Parks & Forest Resources
University of Maine Bachelor, Master, Doctorate Forestry
University of Maine-Farmington Bachelor Environmental Science
University of Southern Maine Bachelor Environmental Science
Andrews University Dept. of Agriculture Associate, Bachelor Horticulture, Landscape Design
Lake Superior State University Associate Natural Resources Technology
Lansing Community College Associate Horticulture
Michigan State University Bachelor, Master Doctorate Horticulture
Michigan State University Certificate Landscape & Nursery Management
Michigan State University Certificate Landscape Management
Michigan State University School of Planning Design & Construction Bachelor Landscape Architecture
Michigan State University Bachelor, Master, Doctorate Forestry
Michigan State University (through Grand Rapids Community College) Certificate Landscape & Lawn Management
Michigan State University (through Muskegon Community College) Certificate Landscape & Lawn Management
Michigan Technological University Bachelor, Master, Doctorate Forestry
Oakland Community College Associate, Certificate Landscape Horticulture & Landscape Design
University of Michigan School of Natural Resources & Environment Bachelor Program in the Environment
Anoka Hennepin Technical College Associate, Certificate Landscape Technology
Carleton College Bachelor Environmental Studies
Central Lakes College Associate Horticulture
Central Lakes College Diploma Landscape Technology
Central Lakes College Associate Natural Resource Technology
Century College Associate, Certificate Horticulture, Horticulture-Landscape
Dakota County Technical College Associate, Diploma Landscape Horticulture
Hennepin Technical College Associate, Certificate, Diploma Landscape/Horticulture
Hennepin Technical College Associate, Certificate, Diploma Arboriculture; Urban Forestry
Itasca Community College Associate, Transfer Associate Natural Resources, Forestry
Rochester Community and Technical College Associate, Diploma Urban Forestry, Horticulture
University of Minnesota Forest Resources Bachelor, Master, Doctorate Urban and Community Forestry
University of Minnesota - Crookston Bachelor Natural Resources, Horticulture
Vermillion Community College Associate, Transfer Associate Natural Resource Technology-Forestry
College of the Ozarks Bachelor Agriculture-Horticulture
College of the Ozarks Minor Horticulture
Mineral Area College Associate, Transfer Associate, Certificate Horticulture, Pre-Forestry
Missouri State University Agriculture Bachelor Horticulture
Northwestern Missouri State University Bachelor Agriculture - Horticulture
Ozarks Technical Community College Associate, Certificate Turf & Landscape Management
St. Louis Community College - Meramec Associate, Certificate Horticulture
Three Rivers Community College Associate Forestry, Horticulture Transfer Program
University of Central Missouri Bachelor Agriculture Science - Horticulture
University of Missouri School of Natural Resources Bachelor, Master, Doctorate Natural Resources
University of Missouri Bachelor, Master, Doctorate Forestry
Washington University in St. Louis Master Landscape Architecture
Alcorn State University Bachelor Agriculture-Forestry
Hinds Community College Associate, Certificate Landscape Management Technology
Itawamba Community College Associate Forestry Concentration-General Studies
Itawamba Community College Associate Forest Technology
Jones County Community College Associate, Certificate, Transfer Forest Technology
Jones County Community College Associate, Certificate Horticulture
Mississippi State University Bachelor, Master Forest Management, Urban Forestry
Mississippi State University Bachelor, Master Landscape Contracting and Management
Mississippi State University Bachelor, Master Horticulture
Northeast Mississippi Community College Associate Forest Technology
Northwest Mississippi Community College (Senatobia) Associate Horticulture, Forestry
Aaniiih Nakoda College Associate Environmental Science
Blackfeet Community College Associate Environmental Science, Natural Resource Management
Flathead Valley Community College Associate Forestry, Natural Resources Conservation & Management
Flathead Valley Community College Associate Integrated Agriculture & Food Systems
Fort Peck Community College Associate Environmental Science
Little Big Horn College Associate Natural Resources/ Environmental Science
Miles Community College Associate Natural Resource and Range Management
Montana State Univ.- Billings Bachelor, Master, Doctorate Environmental Studies / Interdisciplinary program - geography & environmental fields
Montana State Univ.-Bozeman Bachelor, Master, Doctorate Ag. Business; Ag Educ; Plant Science
Montana State Univ.-Bozeman Bachelor, Master, Doctorate Environmental Horticulture; Landscape Design
Salish Kootenai College Associate, Bachelor Forestry Management, Forestry: Wildland Fire
Salish Kootenai College Hydrology Associate, Bachelor Hydrology
Stone Child College Associate Natural Resources
University of Montana Bachelor, Master, Doctorate Forestry
University of Montana Western Bachelor Environmental Science
Alamance Community College Associate Horticulture Technology
Alamance Community College Certificate Horticulture Basic, Horticulture Business, Landscape Design, Landscape Management, Urban Forestry
Appalachian State University Bachelor Environmental Science
Blue Ridge Technical College Associate, Certificate Horticulture Technology
Brevard College Bachelor, Master Biology
Brevard College Bachelor, Master Environmental Studies
Brunswick Community College Associate, Certificate Horticulture Technology
Catawba College Bachelor / Pre-Forestry classes for Duke
Catawba Valley Community College Associate, Transfer Horticulture Technology
Central Piedmont Community College Associate, Certificate Horticulture Technology
Davidson College Bachelor Environmental Studies
Duke University Bachelor Environmental Science
Duke University Masters Forestry
East Carolina University Bachelor Urban & Regional Planning
Elizabeth City State University Bachelor Biology
Elon University Bachelor Environmental Studies
Guilford College Bachelor Environmental Studies
Haywood Community College (Clyde) Certificate Horticulture Technology
Haywood Community College (Clyde) Associate, Certificate Forest Management Technology
Johnston Community College Continuing Ed Courses Horticulture/Gardening
Louisburg College Associate Environmental Science
Mayland Community College Associate Horticulture Technology
Montgomery Community College Associate, Certificate Forest Management Technology
North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University Bachelor, Master Natural Resources and Environmental Design
North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University Bachelor, Master Agriculture & Environmental Systems, Urban & Community Horticulture
North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University Bachelor, Master Agriculture & Environmental Systems, Landscape Architecture
North Carolina Central University Bachelor, Master Environmental Science
North Carolina State University Bachelor, Master Forest Management
North Carolina State University Bachelor, Master Horticultural Science
Sandhills Community College Associate Landscape Gardening
University of North Carolina-Asheville Bachelor Environmental Studies
University of North Carolina-Asheville Bachelor Biology
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill Bachelor Biology
University of North Carolina-Greensboro Bachelor Environmental & Sustainability Studies
University of North Carolina-Pembroke Bachelor Geo-Environmental Studies
University of North Carolina-Pembroke Bachelor Environmental Science
University of North Carolina-Wilmington Bachelor, Master Environmental Studies
University of North Carolina-Wilmington Bachelor, Master Biology
Warren Wilson College Bachelor Environmental Studies-Sustainable Forestry Concentration
Wayne Community College Associate Forest Management Technology
Wayne Community College Associate, Certificate Turfgrass Management
Western Carolina University Bachelor Biology
Western Carolina University Bachelor Environmental Science
Western Carolina University Bachelor Natural Resource Conservation-Forest Resources concentration
Western Piedmont Community College Associate, Certificate Horticulture Technology
William Peace University Bachelor Environmental Studies
Winston-Salem State University Bachelor Biology
Cankdeska Cikana Community College Associate Natural Resource Management
Dakota College at Bottineau Certificate, Associate Natural Resources
Dickinson State University Bachelor Soil Science, Farm and Ranch Mgmt, Tech in Ag, Natural Resources
Dickinson State University Bachelor Environmental Science
North Dakota State University Bachelor, Master Horticulture
Nueta Hidatsa Sahnish College Certificate Environmental Science, Horticulture, Farm/Ranch, Agriculture
Turtle Mountain Community College Associate Environmental Science
United Tribes Technical College Associate Tribal Environmental Science
University of North Dakota Master, Doctorate Environment Management
Williston State College Associate Environmental Science, Natural Resource Management
Williston State College Associate Agriculture
Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture in Curtis (University of Nebraska) Associate Horticulture
University of Nebraska at Lincoln Bachelor, Master, Doctorate Horticulture
University of Nebraska at Lincoln Bachelor, Master, Doctorate Environmental Studies
University of Nebraska at Lincoln Transfer Pre-Forestry Transfer
University of Nebraska at Lincoln Master, Doctorate Agroforestry
University of New Hampshire Bachelor Forestry
University of New Hampshire Bachelor Environmental Sciences
University of New Hampshire Associate Forest Technology
University of New Hampshire Associate Horticulture Technology
Bergen Community College Associate, Certificate Horticulture, Landscape Design
Brookdale Community College Certificate Ornamental Horticulture
County College of Morris Associate Landscape Management & Design
County College of Morris Certificate Landscape Design
County College of Morris Certificate Landscape Contractor
Mercer County Community College Associate, Certificate Ornamental Horticulture
Mercer County Community College Associate Plant Science / Transfer
Rowan College at Burlington County (formerly Burlington County College) Associate Environmental Science
Rutgers University Bachelor Environmental Planning & Design-Urban Forestry
Rutgers University Bachelor, Master Landscape Architecture
Union County College Associate General Biology
Eastern New Mexico University Bachelor Biology with Emphasis in Ecology, Evolution & Organismal Biology
New Mexico Highlands University Bachelor Forestry - Forestry Management Concentration, Wildland Fire Concentration
New Mexico Highlands University Certificate Forest & Watershed Restoration
New Mexico State University Bachelor Horticulture
Northern New Mexico College Associate Pre-Forestry
Western New Mexico University Bachelor Natural Sciences
Western New Mexico University Bachelor Pre-Forestry
Western New Mexico University Bachelor Forest/Wildlife
University of Nevada Bachelor Forest Management & Ecology
Cornell University Bachelor, Master Horticulture
Cornell University Bachelor, Master Landscape Architecture
Farmingdale State College Associate General Horticulture
Farmingdale State College Certificate Ornamental Horticulture
Farmingdale State College Bachelor Horticulture Technology Management
Farmingdale State College Associate Landscape Development
Finger Lakes Community College Associate, Certificate Ornamental Horticulture
Morrisville State College Associate Horticulture
Paul Smith's College Bachelor Forestry
Paul Smith's College Associate Forest Technology, Arboriculture and Landscape Management
State University of New York - Syracuse College of Environmental Science & Forestry Bachelor, Master Forestry Ecosystem Science; Forest Resources Management
Suffolk Community College Associate Environmental Science (Forestry Option)
SUNY Cobleskill Associate Horticulture; Landscape Development
SUNY Delhi Associate General Horticulture
SUNY Delhi Associate Landscape Design/ Management
SUNY - Environmental Science & Forestry (ESF) Ranger School Associate Forest Technology, Forest Resources Management, Forest Health, Forest Ecosystem Science, Environmental Studies, Environmental Science, Environmental and Natural Resources Conservation, Environmental Education and Interpretation, Environmental Biology, Conservation Biology
Cincinnati State Technical & Community College Associate Landscape Horticulture
Clark State Community College Associate Horticultural Industries - Landscape Design, Nursery Operations, Parks & Recreation, Turf & Landscape Operations
Columbus State Community College Associate Landscape Design/Build
Cuyahoga Community College Associate, Certificate Plant Science and Landscape Technology
Hocking College Associate Forest Management, Landscape Management
Hocking College Certificate Tree Care Certificate
Kent State University - Salem Associate, Bachelor Horticulture
Kent State University - Kent Master Landscape Architecture
Miami University Bachelor Botany
Ohio State Agricultural Technical Institute (ATI) Associate Environment & Natural Resources
Ohio State Agricultural Technical Institute (ATI) Associate Horticultural Science, Landscape Horticulture
Ohio State University Knowlton School of Architecture Bachelor, Master Forestry
Ohio State University Bachelor, Master Landscape Architecture
Owens Community College Associate, Certificate Landscape & Turfgrass Management
Zane State College Associate Parks, Recreation, Wildlife
Eastern Oklahoma State College Associate Forestry Technology; Horticulture
Oklahoma State University (Oklahoma City) Associate, Certificate Horticulture
Oklahoma State University (Stillwater) College of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources Bachelor, Master Horticulture
Oklahoma State University (Stillwater) College of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources Bachelor, Master Forest Ecology and Mgt.
Oklahoma State University (Stillwater) College of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources Bachelor, Master Landscape Architecture
Central Oregon Community College Associate, Certificate Forest Resource Technology / Forestry Degree Transfer program
Clackamas Community College Associate, Certificate Horticulture Programs - Horticulture, Landscape, Urban Agriculture / Landscape Management AAS, Arboriculture Option
Linn Benton Community College Associate, Certificate Horticulture / Transfer Associate
Mount Hood Community College Associate Natural Resources Technology: Forest Resources Option
Oregon State University Bachelor, Master, Doctorate Forestry
Oregon State University Bachelor, Master, Doctorate Horticulture
Portland Community College Associate, Certificate Landscape Technology
University of Oregon Bachelor, Master, Doctorate Landscape Architecture
Butler County Community College Associate Park & Recreation Management
Delaware Valley College Bachelor Landscape Design/Build
Delaware Valley College Bachelor Landscape Architecture
Delaware Valley College Bachelor Horticulture
Elizabethtown College Master Forestry Management, Environmental Management / Cooperative Program with Duke
Millersville University Bachelor Biology - Botany, Environmental Biology
Penn State Mont Alto Associate Forest Technology
Penn State University Bachelor Forest Ecosystem Management / Minor
Penn State University Master, Doctorate Forest Resources
Penn State University Master, Doctorate Horticulture / Minor
Penn State University Master, Doctorate Arboriculture Minor
Penn State University Master, Doctorate Landscape Architecture
Pennsylvania College of Technology Associate Landscape/Horticulture Technology
Pennsylvania College of Technology Associate Forestry Technology
Temple University (Ambler Campus) Landscape Architecture + Horticulture Bachelor, Associate Horticulture
Temple University (Ambler Campus) Dept. of Landscape Architecture + Horticulture Bachelor, Master Landscape Architecture
Westmoreland County Community College Associate, Certificate Horticulture, Floriculture, Landscape Design, Turfgrass Management
University of Rhode Island Bachelor Landscape Architecture
University of Rhode Island Bachelor, Master, Doctorate Plant Sciences
University of Rhode Island Bachelor, Master, Doctorate Environmental Science & Management
Clemson University School of Agricultural, Forest and Environmental Sciences Bachelor Horticulture
Clemson University School of Agricultural, Forest and Environmental Sciences Bachelor Environmental and Natural Resources
Clemson University School of Agricultural, Forest and Environmental Sciences Bachelor Forest Resource Management
Clemson University School of Agricultural, Forest and Environmental Sciences Master, Doctorate Forest Resources
Clemson University School of Landscape Architecture Bachelor, Master Landscape Architecture
Horry Georgetown Technical College Associate Forestry
Orangeburg-Calhoun Tech Associate Soils & Sustainable Crops
Spartanburg Technical College Associate Horticulture Technology
Technical College of the Lowcountry Certificate Agriscience Certificate
Trident Technical College Associate, Certificate Horticulture
Winthrop University Bachelor Environmental Sciences
Wofford College Bachelor Environmental Studies
South Dakota State University Department of Plant Science Bachelor Horticulture - Production Emphasis, Business Emphasis, Food Crop Emphasis, Science Emphasis
Southeast Technical Institute Associate Horticulture Technology
Southeast Technical Institute Associate Landscape Design Technology
Austin Peay State University Associate Pre-Forestry / 2-year transfer
Chattanooga State Community College Associate Environmental Science / Transfer
Columbia State Community College Associate Plant & Soil Science
Jackson State Community College Associate Plant & Soil Science
Middle Tennessee State University, School of Agribusiness and Agriscience Bachelor Plant & Soil Science
Nashville State Community College Associate, Certificate Horticulture
North East State Technical Community College Associate Plant & Soil Science, Horticulture
Roane State Community College Associate Forestry Transfer Program
Sewanee: The University of the South Bachelor Forestry
Tennessee State University Bachelor, Master Agricultural Sciences (Plant & Soil Science)
Tennessee Technological University Bachelor Horticulture; Nursery & Landscape Management
University of Tennessee Dept. of Forestry Bachelor, Master, Doctorate Forestry (Urban Forestry Concentration)
University of Tennessee Dept of Plant Science Bachelor, Master, Doctorate Plant Sciences-Landscape Design, Horticulture
Volunteer State Community College Associate Biology
Walters State Community College Associate Agriculture Business
Walters State Community College Associate Horticulture
Houston Community College Associate, Certificate Horticulture
North Central Texas College Certificate Horticultural Management, Landscape Design
Palo Alto College Associate, Certificate Landscape & Horticulture Science
Sam Houston State University Bachelor Plant & Soil Sciences
Stephen F. Austin State University Bachelor, Master, Doctorate General Forestry, Forest Management
Stephen F. Austin State University Bachelor, Master Horticulture
Tarrant County College - Northwest Associate, Certificate Horticulture Technology; Landscape Specialist
Texas A&M University Bachelor, Master, Doctorate Forestry
Texas A&M University Bachelor, Master, Doctorate Horticultural Science
Texas A&M University Bachelor, Master, Doctorate Landscape Architecture
Texas A&M University - Commerce Bachelor Agricultural Science - Ornamental Horticulture Emphasis
Texas State Technical College-Waco Associate, Certificate Turfgrass & Landscape Management
Texas Tech University Bachelor, Master, Doctorate Landscape Architecture
Texas Tech University Bachelor, Master, Doctorate Plant Science-Horticulture & Turfgrass Management
University of Texas Masters Landscape Architecture
Western Texas College Associate, Certificate Turfgrass & Landscape Management
Western Texas College Associate Transfer Horticulture
Brigham Young University - Provo Bachelor Landscape Management
Utah State University Bachelor, Master Landscape Architecture
Utah State University Bachelor, Master Plant Science - Horticulture
Utah State University Minor, Associate, Certificate Ornamental Horticulture
Utah State University Certificate Landscape Management
Utah State University Bachelor Forestry
Dabney S. Lancaster Community College Associate Forest Management Technology
Dabney S. Lancaster Community College Certificate Urban Forestry
Ferrum College Bachelor Environmental Science
Ferrum College Bachelor Agriculture - Horticulture emphasis
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College Associate Horticulture Technology
Northern Virginia Community College - Loudoun Campus Associate Horticulture Technology, Landscape Design Specialization
Tidewater Community College Associate Horticulture
Tidewater Community College Certificate Landscape Design; Landscape Management; Plant Production
University of Virginia Bachelor, Master, Doctorate Environmental Sciences
Virginia Commonwealth University Bachelor, Master Environmental Studies
Virginia Tech Bachelor, Master, Doctorate Landscape Architecture
Virginia Tech Bachelor, Master, Doctorate Forestry - Forest Resources, Forest Operations & Business, Urban Forestry
Virginia Tech Bachelor, Master, Doctorate Horticulture
Virginia Western Community College Certificate Horticulture Technology
Norwich University Bachelor Environmental Science
University of Vermont Bachelor, Master, Doctorate Forestry
University of Vermont Bachelor, Master Sustainable Landscape Horticulture
Vermont Technical College Associate Landscape Design & Sustainable Horticulture
Vermont Technical College Certificate Forestry
Clover Park Technical College Associate Environmental Sciences & Technologies
Edmonds Community College Associate, Certificate Horticulture
Grays Harbor College Associate, Associate Transfer, Certificate Forestry Technician
Green River Community College Bachelor, Associate Forest Resource Management (Bachelor); Forestry (Associate)
Heritage University Associate, Certificate, Bachelor Environmental Science-Natural Resources
Lake Washington Institute of Technology Associate, Certificate Environmental Horticulture
South Seattle Community College Associate, Associate Transfer, Certificate Landscape Horticulture-Sustainable Land Management, Horticulture Studies, Landscape Design & Construction
Spokane Community College Associate Transfer Horticulture Pre-major
Spokane Community College Associate, Certificate Greenhouse/Nursery
Spokane Community College Associate, Certificate Landscape Management
Spokane Community College Associate, Certificate Natural Resource Management-Forestry
The Evergreen State College Bachelor, Master Environmental Studies
The Evergreen State College Bachelor Sustainable Studies
University of Washington Master Forest Resources - Forest Management
University of Washington Bachelor Environmental Science & Resource Management - Sustainable Forest Management Option
University of Washington Bachelor, Master Landscape Architecture
University of Washington Bachelor, Master, Doctorate Urban Design & Planning
Washington State University Bachelor, Master Landscape Architecture
Washington State University Bachelor, Master, Doctorate Horticulture
Washington State University Bachelor Forestry
Chippewa Valley Technical College Associate Landscape, Plant & Turf Management
Fox Valley Technical College Diploma, Certificate Horticulture Technician; Horticulture/Landscape Technician
Fox Valley Technical College Certificate Urban Forestry Technician; Forest Management Specialist
Gateway Technical College Associate Horticulture-Greenhouse & Marketing, Landscape
Gateway Technical College Certificate Horticulture Therapy; Professional Landscaping
Lac Courtes Oreilles Ojibwa Community College Associate Natural Resources
Mid State Technical College Associate, Certificate Urban Forestry Technician
Milwaukee Area Technical College Associate Landscape Horticulture
Northeast Wisconsin Technical College Certificate Landscape Installation
Northeast Wisconsin Technical College Associate Landscape Horticulture
Southwest Wisconsin Technical College Associate Golf Course Management
University of Wisconsin - Green Bay Bachelor, Master Environmental Science
University of Wisconsin - Madison Dept. of Forest and Wildlife Ecology Bachelor, Master, Doctorate Forest Science
University of Wisconsin - Madison Dept. of Horticulture Bachelor, Master, Doctorate Horticulture
University of Wisconsin - Madison Dept of Landscape Architecture Bachelor, Master Landscape Architecture
University of Wisconsin - Platteville School of Agriculture Bachelor Environmental Horticulture-emphasis in Plant Breeding; Business & Marketing; International; Professional Landscape Management
University of Wisconsin - River Falls Bachelor Horticulture
University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point Bachelor, Master Forestry
University of Wisconsin - Superior Bachelor Biology - Plant Sciences Focus
Glenville State College Associate Forest Technology
Glenville State College Bachelor Natural Resource Management-Forestry Technology Concentration
West Virginia State University Bachelor Biology
West Virginia University Bachelor, Master, Doctorate Forest Resource Management / Minor in Arboriculture & Urban Forestry
West Virginia University Bachelor, Master, Doctorate Horticulture / Minor
West Virginia University Bachelor, Master Landscape Architecture
University of Wyoming Bachelor Plant Sciences / Minor in Horticulture
Lakehead University Bachelor Forestry
Lakehead University Bachelor Environmental Management
Lakehead University Master Forestry
University of Guelph Associate Horticulture
Montreal University Bachelor, Master Landscape Architecture
University of Firenze (Florence) Master Landscape Architecture
University of Firenze (Florence) Bachelor, Master Forestry
Iowa State University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Bachelor, Master, Doctorate Horticulture, Forestry
Madison Area Technical College Associate
University of British Columbia Faculty of Forestry Bachelor, Masters, Doctorate / Bachelor of Urban Forestry, Master of Urban Forestry Leadership, MSc., Ph.D.
Cosumnes River College Horticulture Sustainable Landscape Technology Courses include Tree Care and Urban Forestry / Courses include Tree Care and Urban Forestry
Piedmont Technical College Horticulture Associate in Applied Science / Horticulture Technology
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