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As a member of ISA, you agree to the Membership Code of Ethics.

ISA members will:

  • Strive for continuous self-development by increasing their qualifications and technical proficiency by staying abreast of technological and scientific developments affecting the profession.
  • Not misuse or omit material facts in promoting technical information, products, or services if the effect would be to mislead or misrepresent.
  • Hold paramount the safety and health of all people, and endeavor to protect property and the environment in the performance of professional responsibilities.
  • Subscribe to fair and honest business practices in dealing with clients, suppliers, employees, and other professionals.
  • Support the improvement of professional services and products through encouraging research and development.
  • Observe the standards and promote adherence to the ethics embodied in this Code.

Report violations of the ISA Membership Code of Ethics here.

For all membership inquiries, email our customer service team.

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