Earn CEUs with This Month’s Featured Product
Dec 5, 2023
Categories: Industry News, ISA News
ISA offers a variety of educational materials and products to help arborists expand their professional knowledge and experience. Every month we will feature a product or group of products. In December, ISA is featuring the Digital Collections of CEU Articles.
Use discount code COCA15 to save 15% and end the year earning CEUs. Written by specialists in the field, the Collections of CEU Articles feature compilations of CEU articles published in Arborist News. Each Collection focuses on a different theme selected to help increase your knowledge and provide a better understanding of the subject matter for arborists.
The topics of available compilations offered include: Tree Science, Urban Forestry, Tree Biology, Plant Health Care (Volumes 1 and 2), Tree Diagnosis and Treatment, Tree Maintenance, Tree Selection and Planting, Trees and Their Environment, Safe Work Practices, and Tree Risk Assessment.
The ten collections that make up Volume 1 can also be purchased individually or as a set—Collection of All CEU Articles-Online Version.
*You may earn CEUs for the quizzes in these collections of articles even if you previously completed the Arborist News quiz from the same article. However, the CEUs for these collections of articles may be earned only once during the lifetime of your certification.