
Gift the Love of Trees

Gift the Love of Trees

ISA offers a variety of educational materials and products to help arborists expand their professional knowledge and experience. Every month, ISA will feature a product or group of products. In November, ISA will feature children's books.

This holiday season, share your love of trees with a child by gifting them one of the many children's books available in the ISA Store. Books are some of the best holiday gifts a child can receive, and if you're looking for a great story to read with your children, look no further. Check out these great titles available in the ISA Store:

Up in the Leaves

This beautifully illustrated book tells the true story of ISA Certified Arborist® Bob Redman, who built a series of intricate treehouses hidden in Central Park as a boy in New York City. Read the tale about how Bob, as a child growing up in a large city, found solace in the trees. Tired of the noise, the people, and the rushing around, Bob took shelter in the natural beauty of Central Park—where he covertly built a series of amazing treehouses, starting with a simple platform and how they grew more and more elaborate over time. He played cat-and-mouse with the park workers, who kept tearing down his houses until he was finally caught. But his story ends with a happy surprise!

26 Things That Bug Me

Entomologist Mike Raupp and his friend Mantie the Mantid take children on a lyrical and colorful journey through the alphabet and the insect world. Along the way, we meet and learn about bugs and their fascinating habits.

I Can Name 50 Trees Today!

From The Cat in the Hat's Learning Library™, this well-detailed picture book provides a child's guide to the basics of tree biology and identification in the whimsical, rhyming style of Dr. Seuss. Fifty trees are described and illustrated with various identifying features such as leaves, bark, and form. Various parts of a tree are discussed, and an introduction to root systems, water and nutrient uptake, and photosynthesis is provided. The colorful illustrations are delightful to children and adults alike and include traditional Dr. Seuss characters.

The Lorax

I am the Lorax. I speak for the trees. First published in 1971, this insightful book is a message to industrial corporations and consumers and has an even greater impact today in its call to conserve the earth's natural resources. Written by Dr. Seuss in his unique, lyrical style, with the fanciful creatures, plant life, and locations that he so distinctively brought to life, this book tells a significant, timely tale in a format that children can understand.

What Tree Is That?

The Great Spruce

Alec loves to climb trees — the little apple trees, the broad willow trees, and even the tall locust trees. His favorite is the great spruce, sturdy trunk, and branches stretching up to the sky. Alec's grandfather planted it years before Alec was born, and every Christmas, Alec, and his grandfather decorate the tree, weaving tinsel and lights through its branches.

But one winter, a few curious men from the nearby city notice Alec’s towering great spruce and ask to take it away to be part of the city's Christmas celebration. Though it’s a huge honor, Alec is heartbroken about losing his friend. With quick, creative thinking, Alec comes up with a plan to save his favorite tree in this heartwarming holiday tale.

What Tree is That?

The Arbor Day Foundation presents an intuitive, step-by-step field guide for identifying trees by their leaves. A systematic question-and-answer format helps users observe and identify leaf and fruit characteristics as they advance through this well-organized guide to find the correct tree species. Detailed drawings colorfully illustrate the leaves and fruit of each species and provide a clear visual means of identification.


Theme picker

Image Database

ISA has a vast inventory of arboriculture- and urban forestry-related images that were compiled with the help of our members and volunteers.

Through a partnership with Forestry Images, ISA has thousands of photos and graphics available for use. ISA either owns the photos or has permission to permit their use.

Access the Image Database to browse the collection of images.

International Tree Climbing Championships

Press Releases

For inquiries about ISA news and media opportunities, contact our Communications Specialist.

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