
ISA Seeks Qualified Nominees For ISA Board Of Directors

Deadline to Submit Nominations 30 September, 2018

ISA Seeks Qualified Nominees For ISA Board Of Directors


The structure of ISA’s Board of Directors consists of the president, the president-elect, and thirteen directors. Five directors are elected by the Council of Representatives (CoR) and eight are elected directly by ISA members.

The purpose of this notice is to solicit nominations from ISA members to fill two upcoming CoR-elected Board positions that will end in August 2019. ISA members can nominate ANY current member of ISA in good standing. If you would like to nominate yourself or someone else as a candidate for the ISA Board of Directors, please send the name(s) to Sheilah Trail at ISA.

The Nominating and Elections Committee (NEC) reviews all nominees and develops a ballot of qualified nominees. From the ballot of qualified nominees, CoR will elect two directors to fill the positions currently held by Nicolaas Verloop and Tom Wolf. Their positions will expire in August 2019. Nicolaas has agreed to run for re-election, but Tom has declined. The NEC uses the following criteria to evaluate nominees’ qualifications:

  • ISA member in good standing
  • Past contributions and service to ISA and ISA components
  • Past contributions and service to other professional organizations in arboriculture and related fields
  • Past service in committee and leadership roles both within and outside of ISA
  • Professional work experience in arboriculture and related fields including research activities
  • Professional education and training in arboriculture and related fields
  • Achievement of Board diversity, including field(s) of expertise and geography
  • Recommendations
  • Any other relevant considerations

The closing date for Sheilah Trail to receive these nominations is 4:30 pm Central Daylight Time (Chicago Time) on 30 September 2018.

A call for nominations for Board directors who were elected directly by ISA members and whose terms expire in August 2019 will take place at a later date.

Please consider nominating someone (including yourself); ISA is a great organization thanks to your participation in the vital process of nominating and electing qualified candidates to the ISA Board. Thanks very much for your help.

Brian Kane, Chair

ISA Nominating and Elections Committee


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Image Database

ISA has a vast inventory of arboriculture- and urban forestry-related images that were compiled with the help of our members and volunteers.

Through a partnership with Forestry Images, ISA has thousands of photos and graphics available for use. ISA either owns the photos or has permission to permit their use.

Access the Image Database to browse the collection of images.

International Tree Climbing Championships

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