
Arboriculture & Urban Forestry (AUF) is the International Society of Arboriculture’s bimonthly, peer-reviewed journal. This Open Access scholarly publication serves as ISA’s main outlet for disseminating new and original research findings centered on the care and management of trees in urban environments. Originally titled the Journal of Arboriculture, AUF has been regularly published since 1975. Its long tenure demonstrates ISA’s commitment to fostering a greater appreciation of trees and promoting the research, technology, and practice of professional arboriculture.

Recent Issues

Arboriculture & Urban Forestry

March 2025

Full Issue
Arboriculture & Urban Forestry

January 2025

Full Issue
Arboriculture & Urban Forestry

November 2024

Full Issue
Arboriculture & Urban Forestry

September 2024

Full Issue
Arboriculture & Urban Forestry

July 2024

Full Issue
Arboriculture & Urban Forestry

May 2024

Full Issue
Arboriculture & Urban Forestry

March 2024

Full Issue

How to Submit to AUF

The journal welcomes reports of original research, reviews, and analyses that advance the professions of arboriculture and urban forestry. Subjects appropriate for submission include, among others, tree biology and physiology, entomology, pathology, horticulture, biomechanics, risk management, soil science, inventory and assessment, urban forest functions and benefits, governance planning and management of urban forests, and utility forestry.

To be considered for publication, manuscripts must make a significant contribution to the advancement of knowledge in arboriculture and urban forestry and have broad applicability and interest to an international audience. Contributions will be considered in the following categories.

  1. Original Articles: Original fundamental or applied research that contributes to the scientific foundations that support the disciplines of arboriculture and urban forestry. Abstracts should be structured (Background, Methods, Results and Conclusions) and are limited to 250 words.
  2. Review Articles: These include literature reviews or syntheses of previous work that identify trends, designate areas for new work and/or theory development, and/or compare competing theories. Abstracts should be unstructured and are limited to 250 words.
  3. Short Communications: Appropriate for original research investigations that report preliminary or novel results on limited data sets, for analysis of procedures, equipment, or management systems that will lead to the improvement of best management practices, and for the introduction of novel theoretical perspectives.
  4. Letters to the Editor: Letters should directly address ideas or facts presented in the Journal and should refer to material published within a year of the letter’s submission. Letters must not exceed 750 words in length and should not include tables or figures. The authors of the original publication will be given the opportunity to respond in the same issue of Arboriculture & Urban Forestry.
  5. Editorials: Brief opinion pieces from leaders in the arboricultural field that provide state-of-the-art assessments, perspectives on key topics, or relate to and provide context for a manuscript in the same issue of the journal. Editorials that accompany other published articles are solicited only. Length should not exceed 3,000 words with no more than 20 references and should not include an abstract, tables, or figures.

Authors should consult the Author Guidelines for writing and submitting to the publication. All manuscripts MUST be submitted via ScholarOne to be considered for review.

Peer Review Process

Acceptance for publication is based on both editorial criteria and peer review. Submitted manuscripts are evaluated for appropriateness of content, contribution, applicability, methodology, and accuracy and clarity of presentation. Manuscripts submitted for publication are reviewed by an Associate Editor who solicits at least two additional peer reviews.

Recommendations from reviewers are provided to the author. Revision is usually necessary after review, and final acceptance depends on satisfactory revision. The final decision on all manuscripts is made by the Editor-in-Chief.

A completed Conflict of Interest form must be on file prior to an accepted manuscript appearing in the journal.

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