
ISA Today - Nov 2018

Read the Latest Editions of ISA’s Serial Publications Online

Aug 1, 2018

Read current and past issues of Arborist News magazine.

Read current and past issues of the scholarly, peer-reviewed journal, Arboriculture & Urban Forestry.

Read current and past issues of the electronic newsletter for ISA members and credential holders, ISA Today.

New Product! — CTLA's Guide for Plant Appraisal, 10th Edition

Aug 1, 2018

The much-anticipated 10th edition by the Council of Tree and Landscape Appraisers is in print and available to pre-order in the ISA web store. We had a limited number of copies available in ISA Central at this year's ISA Annual Conference and Trade Show, and we expect our next shipment to arrive the week of 28 August, so order today!

Owen Croy Receives 2018 ISA President's Award

Aug 1, 2018

Each year, the current president of the ISA Board of Directors has the opportunity to honor one or more individuals who have made a significant, positive impact within the industry. At this year's conference in Columbus, Ohio, Paul Ries, the 2017-18 ISA Board president, recognized Owen Croy for his career-long commitment to mentoring the next generation of urban foresters across North America.

Meet the 2018 ISA True Professionals of Arboriculture

Aug 1, 2018

The five 2018 ISA True Professionals of Arboriculture were honored during the President's Welcome at the ISA Annual International Conference on Monday morning, 6 August. This program was established in 2009 to recognize ISA members and credential holders who demonstrate dedication, skill, and creativity in reaching out to their communities, clients, colleagues, and employees to provide training and education about tree care and the benefits of trees.

Cheers to the 2018 ITCC Competitors, Volunteers, and World Champions!

Aug 1, 2018

The 2018 International Tree Climbing Championship (ITCC), presented by the Davey Tree Expert Company, took place 3-5 August at Franklin Park in Columbus, Ohio. The number of registered competitors broke all previous records with a total of 75 climbers participating. A second record was broken in the women's competition with 26 women participating. We want to thank the large number of dedicated volunteers involved in the planning and production of this event who make it all possible. For ITCC results...

Congrats to This Year's ISA Awards of Distinction Recipients

Aug 1, 2018

The ISA Awards of Distinction, sponsored by Bartlett Tree Experts, are the highest honors bestowed by ISA in nine award categories that recognize ISA members for arboricultural education and research, contributions to practical arboriculture, publications, promotion of the profession, and advancement of ISA's mission. This year's nine award recipients were recognized on 5 August at the Arboriculture Celebration that opened the 2018 ISA Annual International Conference and Trade Show in Columbus, Ohio.

Ohio Chapter ISA: A Toast to the Host!

Aug 1, 2018

We greatly appreciate the Ohio Chapter's hard work to make the 2018 ITCC and ISA Annual International Conference and Trade Show in Columbus, Ohio, an excellent experience for this year's attendees. The Ohio Chapter's Local Host Committee, chaired by Shirley Vaughn, went above and beyond to coordinate the onsite logistics and details at the local level for these events. Thanks goes to the host committee members and all the other volunteers who dedicated their time and talents to make it all happen!

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