
ISA Today - January 2022

The Newly Revised Tree Climbers’ Guide, 4th edition is Now Available

Jan 19, 2021

Written specifically from the tree climbers’ perspective, the newly revised Tree Climbers’ Guide, 4th edition, by Sharon J. Lily, helps arborists learn safe climbing and aerial tree work principles. This guide is a basic text for tree climbers, as well as a study guide for the ISA Certified Tree Worker Climber Specialist® and Aerial Lift Specialist® exams. Each chapter includes a list of key terms and concludes with a workbook section.

Upcoming Recertification Deadline

Jan 19, 2021

If you have an ISA certification that expired on 30 June 2020, the final deadline to meet all the recertification requirements to complete your recertification cycle (this includes meeting all CEU requirements AND making the recertification fee payment) is 25 February 2021.

Share Your Story with ISA

Jan 19, 2021

All across the world, ISA members and credential holders are doing great things to improve the health of our canopy and increase the awareness of the need for professionals to care for our trees. ISA would like to know about its members accomplishments so that we can share them with our organization.

Digital Plant Appraisal Guide 10th Edition Release

Jan 19, 2021

The International Society of Arboriculture (ISA), on behalf of the Council of Tree & Landscape Appraisers (CTLA), announces the release of the Guide for Plant Appraisal, 10th Edition, Revised (the Guide) in digital format. The digital version of the Guide is now available for purchase on ISA webstore.

2020 Tree Cities of the World Application Deadline

Jan 19, 2021

The Tree Cities of the World Program, a partnership between the Arbor Day Foundation and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, is in its second year of recognizing cities that are striving for excellence in urban forestry.

General Membership Election for Voting Members

Jan 19, 2021

The ISA Board of Directors is an elected board of 15 directors, including ten (10) directors voted in by general election; three (3) directors filled by an election from within the Council of Representatives; and a president/chair of the board, and a president/chair-elect, elected by the Board of Directors from within the current board.

Council of Representatives Membership Election for Voting Members

Jan 19, 2021

One of the most important tasks required of the Council of Representatives (CoR) is electing qualified individuals to serve on the ISA Board of Directors. The ISA board is comprised of fifteen directors; three of which are elected by the CoR. Currently, one position is open for election by CoR, and you are invited to vote in this year’s election.

Presidential Transition Memo: Fostering Thriving and Equitable Communities through Healthy Urban and Community Forests

Jan 19, 2021

Our nation's current and expanding 138 million acres of urban forests and trees are key to addressing priorities identified by the Biden Administration. From combating climate change and creating more equitable communities to improving infrastructure and expanding green jobs, trees and forests in our cities and towns are an essential piece of the equation.

Team Member Introductions - Chastity Austin

Jan 19, 2021

ISA is introducing new staff members who have joined the team to work on behalf of members and credential holders. In this issue of ISA Today, please meet Chastity Austin, the new director of human resources and compliance services.

Read the latest issue of Arboriculture & Urban Forestry Now!

Jan 19, 2021

The January issue of Arboriculture & Urban Forestry is now available to read online. The articles featured in this month's issue are: Tracking Changes to Urban Trees over 100 Years in Ithaca, NY, USA; Activity of Stem-Injected and Soil Applied Imidacloprid Against Hemlock Woolly Adelgid in the Great Smoky Mountains; and Urban Resources Initiative: A University Model for Clinical Urban Forestry Education.

ISA Business Meeting

Jan 29, 2021

ISA Business Meeting

Theme picker

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