
ISA Today - Nov 2018

Read the Latest Editions of ISA’s Serial Publications Online

Jul 1, 2018

Read current and past issues of Arborist News magazine.

Read current and past issues of the scholarly, peer-reviewed journal, Arboriculture & Urban Forestry.

Read current and past issues of the electronic newsletter for ISA members and credential holders, ISA Today.

Announcing the 2018 ISA Student Ambassadors and AREA Students

Jul 1, 2018

Engaging students in the ISA Annual International Conference and Trade Show is an important way for them to learn about career paths in the arboriculture industry. ISA and the Arboricultural Research and Education Academy (AREA) provide opportunities for students to attend and be involved in sessions and activities designed specifically for them.

ISA President Elect Pedro Mendes Castro Attends FAO Forestry Session

Jul 1, 2018

The Committee on Forestry, the highest forestry statutory body of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, is currently in session 16-20 July in Rome, Italy. ISA’s president elect, Pedro Mendes Castro, was invited to attend as a panelist in a high-level dialogue on urban and peri-urban forestry on 17 July.

ISA Industry Workforce Summit Focuses on Growing the Profession

Jul 1, 2018

Hosted by Bartlett Tree Research Laboratories in Charlotte, North Carolina, ISA conducted its first Industry Workforce Summit, 22-24 May 2018, with a grant from the U.S. Forest Service.

ISA Annual International Conference Offers Credentialing Exams

Jul 1, 2018

If you are ready to take an ISA credentialing exam and planning to attend the ITCC and/or the 2018 ISA Annual International Conference and Trade Show in Columbus, Ohio, you still have time to apply to take the exam while you're there.

Don't Miss Out on ISA Columbus: Pre-register by 27 July!

Jul 1, 2018

Everyone likes to save time and money. Avoid the lines and the higher onsite registration rates by registering online for the ISA Annual International Conference and Trade Show by Friday, 27 July. So Much to Discover!

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