
ISA Today - May 2019

Team Member Introductions

May 21, 2019

ISA is introducing new staff members who have joined its team to work on behalf of members and credential holders. In this issue of ISA Today, meet Accounting Specialist Karen Lacatell, a valued member of the ISA Financial Services department, and Member Recruitment and Retention Specialist Dan Oliver, our latest colleague on the member services team.

Sign up to be an ITCC Volunteer by 30 June!

May 21, 2019

Preparations are underway for the International Tree Climbing Championship – World Championship (ITCC) to be held 9 – 11 August 2019 at Lakeshore Park, Knoxville, Tennessee (USA). There are many opportunities to volunteer for ITCC (competition, logistics, and Arbor Fair and Expo). All are welcome!

ITCC competition event volunteers* receive complimentary registration for Sunday’s Arboriculture Celebration and Welcome Reception, as well as FULL ACCESS to the exhibit floor Monday, 12 August, at the ISA Annual International Conference and Trade Show, which includes Climber’s Corner (offering CEUs for those seeking enhanced climbing professional development). Submit your application by 30 June. Hurry — space is limited and may close prior to the deadline.

All Roads Lead to Knoxville: 2019 ISA Annual International Conference and Tradeshow

May 21, 2019

We are excited that Knoxville, Tennessee, USA, is the location for the 2019 ISA Annual International Conference and Tradeshow. A full roster of activities and over 70 professional development sessions are planned during the event to be held 11 – 14 August, and prior at the International Tree Climbing Championship and Arbor Fair, 9 – 11 August. Download the latest brochure and register by 14 June to save up to 30%. Plan your after-hours activities in charming Knoxville — where music meets mountains, art meets adventure, and no one meets a stranger!

The Results are in for ISA Board of Directors Elections

May 21, 2019

The ISA Board of Directors is an elected board of 15 directors. Eight of the director positions are voted upon by ISA members in a general election, and five of the director positions are filled by an election from within the Council of Component Representatives. The president of the board and president-elect are each elected for their terms of office from within the Board of Directors by the current directors.

Calling all Urban Foresters: June 2019 i-Tree Symposium

May 21, 2019

The agenda is set for the June i-Tree Symposium, 16 – 19 June 2019, State University of New York, College of Environmental Science and Forestry Campus, Syracuse, New York. Attendees will learn how to use i-Tree to create successful projects to improve urban forest management and enhance local human health and well-being. Find more information and register. Seating is limited..

Call for Submissions — ISA’s Arborist News Seeks Articles

May 21, 2019

ISA’s educational periodical Arborist News seeks articles to be considered for publication in upcoming issues. Articles should be submitted via email to the editorial office at Feature articles range between 1500 to 2000 words; shorter articles range between 500 to 1000 words. Images are encouraged. For more information about submission guidelines and the review process, please contact the editorial office.

Looking Ahead: Announcing ISA Malmö 2021 With ITCC Copenhagen!

May 21, 2019

ISA is pleased to announce that in 2021, the ISA Swedish Chapter, in partnership with their Scandinavian colleagues in Denmark and Norway, will host the ISA Annual Conference and Trade Show and ITCC, 10 – 15 September 2021. The 2021 ISA Annual Conference and Trade Show will be held in Malmö, Sweden, while the ITCC will be held prior in one of the royal parks in Copenhagen, Denmark. These events showcase ISA’s global reach as well as the host chapters’ culture and history.

Tree Fund Update

May 21, 2019

Read the May 2019 issue of TREE Press for leading thoughts from TREE Fund President and CEO J. Eric Smith, the volunteer spotlight on Rebecca Johnson, Arborholic, LLC, and member of ISA’s Texas Chapter, and highlights from Mohammad Asrafur Rahman, Ph. D.’s study about the cooling effectiveness of urban street trees. Find info about grant applications, upcoming webinars and more.

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