
ISA Today - February 2020

ISA 2020 International Virtual Conference Keynote Speaker

Nov 17, 2020

We are thrilled to announce Gill Cassar as the 2020 ISA International Virtual Conference keynote speaker.

Don’t Forget to Register for the ISA 2020 International Virtual Conference

Nov 17, 2020

It’s hard to believe we’re less than a month away from the very first ISA 2020 International Virtual Conference that will take place Monday, 7 December - Friday, 11 December 2020.

The ISA 2020 International Virtual Conference Agenda is Available Now

Nov 17, 2020

We’re thrilled to announce the list of speakers and the agenda for the ISA 2020 International Virtual Conference. This year’s lineup includes over 45 on-demand educational sessions that will be available to watch during the conference, and up to 30 days after the event at your convenience. This special event brings together arboricultural professionals from around the world and allows participants to earn more than 25 CEUs. Be sure to peruse the agenda and mark your calendars! To view the agenda, please visit the conference website.

Guide for Plant Appraisal 10th Edition: Revised Forms

Nov 17, 2020

As publisher of the Guide for Plant Appraisal, 10th Edition (Guide), ISA has been cataloging feedback and comments received as appraisers have been field testing the approaches and forms included in the Guide.

Share your Digital Badge!

Nov 17, 2020

ISA credential holders now have access to a new way to promote themselves and their ISA credential—digital badges.

November Issue of Arboriculture & Urban Forestry is Now Available

Nov 17, 2020

The latest issue of Arboriculture & Urban Forestry is now available to read online. Featured in this issue: Editor’s Note: Seeing the Forest for the Trees; The Effects of Integrated Vegetation Management on Richness of Native Compatible Flowering Plants and Abundance of Noncompatible Tree Species on a Right-of-Way in Central Pennsylvania, USA; How Tree Risk Assessment Methods Work: Sensitivity Analyses of Sixteen Methods Reveal the Value of Quantification and the Impact of Inputs on Risk Ratings; Optimizing Reduction Pruning of Trees Under Electrical Lines: The Influence of Intensity and Season of Pruning on Epicormic Branch Growth and Wound Compartmentalization; and so much more.

2021 Updated Product Pricing and Peak Surcharges

Nov 17, 2020

ISA webstore customers may notice an uptick in item costs in 2021 due to an annual adjustment to product pricing and new shipping surcharges.

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