
ISA Today - January 2022

Team Member Introductions

Oct 24, 2019

ISA is introducing new staff members who have joined its team to work on behalf of members and credential holders. In this issue of ISA Today, please meet Lindsey Mitchell, our editor for our serial publications, and Robin Young, our examinations specialist.

ISA Presentation Submissions for the 2020 ISA Annual Conference – Coming Soon

Oct 24, 2019

ISA will be seeking conference presentations for the 2020 ISA Annual Conference and Trade Show in Albuquerque, N.M. Our goal is to provide a program that meets the educational needs of attendees presented by speakers of the highest quality who represent the diversity of the ISA membership.

Congratulations to the 2019 NATCC Champions!

Oct 24, 2019

Congratulations to the 2019 North American Tree Climbing Championship (NATCC) Champions, Krista Strating from the Ontario Chapter, and James Earhart from the Mid-Atlantic Chapter. ISA would also like to thank our host, the ISA Western Chapter, the volunteers who dedicated their time and service to the competition, our sponsors and the city of San Diego. For a full list of the winners please visit our website. Additionally, look for a full event highlight in the December issue of Arborist News.

Thank you — Leadership Workshop

Oct 24, 2019

Leaders with ISA’s chapters, professional affiliates and associate organizations from all around the world attended the annual ISA Leadership Workshop 15-18 October 2019 in Atlanta, Ga.

ISA Preparing for the Giving Season

Oct 24, 2019

ISA will once again participate in the #GivingTuesday global movement coming up in November. Members and credential holders are encouraged to show support by making a donation on 3 December 2019 to other green industry or environmental organizations.

Arbor Day Foundation Launches New Tree Campus Healthcare Recognition Program

Oct 24, 2019

The Arbor Day Foundation is inviting inpatient healthcare facilities to join its new program that aims to transform community health and wellness and ultimately save lives through the health benefits provided by trees, as well as recognize health institutions that make a mission-aligned impact to improve community wellness through tree planting, education and community engagement.

Tree Fund Update

Oct 24, 2019

Read the October 2019 issue of TREE Press for leading thoughts from TREE Fund President and CEO J. Eric Smith, an article about the Tour de Trees 2019 and updates about the Tree Fund’s research and education awards. Find info about grant applications, upcoming webinars and more.

Call for Submissions — ISA’s Arborist News Seeks Articles

Oct 24, 2019

ISA’s educational periodical Arborist News seeks articles to be considered for publication in upcoming issues. Articles should be submitted via email to the editorial office at Feature articles range between 1500 to 2000 words; shorter articles range between 500 to 1000 words. Images are encouraged. For more information about submission guidelines and the review process, please contact the editorial office.

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