
ISA Today - October 2020

ISA 2020 International Virtual Conference Registration Now Open

Oct 20, 2020

The ISA 2020 International Virtual Conference offers an online forum for participants to network with other arboricultural professionals from across the globe Monday, 7 December - Friday, 11 December 2020.

The ISA 2020 International Virtual Conference Agenda is Available Now

Oct 20, 2020

We’re thrilled to announce the list of speakers and the agenda for the ISA 2020 International Virtual Conference. This year’s lineup includes over 45 on-demand educational sessions that will be available to watch during the conference, and up to 30 days after the event at your convenience. This special event brings together arboricultural professionals from around the world and allows participants to earn more than 25 CEUs. Be sure to peruse the agenda and mark your calendars! To view the agenda, please visit the conference website.

Save 10% on The Art and Science of Practical Rigging DVD and Workbook Set

Oct 20, 2020

Save 10% on The Art and Science of Practical Rigging DVD and Workbook Set and earn up to 8 CEUs when you purchase this set through the month of October by using the discount code TENPERCENT.

Attention ISA Credential Holders – Deadline for certifications expiring on June 2020 is approaching

Oct 20, 2020

In response to the COVID-19 global pandemic, ISA has given a complimentary* extension for those with an ISA certification set to expire on 30 June 2020. The deadline for credential holders whose certification(s) had an expiration date set for 30 June 2020 is 28 October 2020.

Please Welcome Gabby Fabiano as the Newest Member of the Credentialing Team

Oct 20, 2020

Gabby joined ISA 11 months ago, and has had the opportunity to support the organization in a number of different departments, including credentialing, people services, customer service, and member services. She will now be a member of the credentialing team full time, serving as a Credentialing Solutions Specialist. In this role she will process applications and continuing education units and serve as a second tier level of support for our credential holders and those aspiring to become credential holders. Gabby is very excited to have the opportunity to work more closely with those we serve. 

Urban Forest Systems and Green Stormwater Infrastructure

Oct 20, 2020

Trees provide considerable stormwater volume and pollution control through rainfall interception and intensity reduction, stormwater infiltration and uptake, and nutrient load reduction.

2020 Urban Trees and Greenspace Survey

Oct 20, 2020

Do you manage urban greenspaces? Dr. Rachel Schattman, University of Maine, Dr. Tony D’Amato, University of Vermont, and Dr. Eric North, University of Minnesota, are conducting a survey of urban foresters and greenspace managers.

Urban Forester Credential Survey

Oct 20, 2020

Oregon State University invites individuals who work in the field of urban forestry to take its Urban Forester Credential Survey. The research study “Do Urban Foresters Need Their Own Professional Credential?” being undertaken by Oregon State University and the University of British Columbia, aims to understand how people working in the urban forestry field view the issue of credentialing, and if there is a perceived need for a specific Urban Forester Credential in some form.

October Issue of Arborist News is Now Available

Oct 20, 2020

Read the latest issue of Arborist News is now available to read online. Featured in this issue: Continuing Education: Arboricultural Operation Safety Standards: A Global Perspective Part II, The Surprising Benefits of Biodiversity, Managing Soil Compaction Around Trees, Simply Safe: Basic Emergency Response Procedure for Arboricultural Operations and more.

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