
ISA Today - January 2025

ISA Seeks Qualified Nominees for the ISA Board of Directors

Sep 16, 2020

The purpose of this notice is to solicit nominations from ISA members to fill four director positions that will become open in August 2021. ISA members can nominate ANY current ISA member (including themselves) in good standing.

Congratulations to Caitlyn Pollihan

Sep 16, 2020

We are pleased to announce that Caitlyn Pollihan has officially been named the chief executive officer (CEO) and executive director of the International Society of Arboriculture. She has served in the role of executive director for three years, during which time she has shown exemplary leadership and continuously pushed the organization towards its goals.

ISA Digital Badges: Share your Passion

Sep 16, 2020

ISA credential holders can now share, download their certificate, or add a badge to their website or social media. This is a new benefit for ISA credential holders that will make it easier to access credentials, share with their network and verify credential holder achievements.

Z133 Online Course Now Available

Sep 16, 2020

The Z133 Online Course is an introductory course which describes the history of the ANSI Z133 Safety Requirements for Arboriculture Operations and gives key information about the most common incidents in arboriculture operations which cause worker injuries and fatalities. Through a variety of text, photos, and interactive learning exercises, the online course describes the main practices that lead to incidents and the Z133 safety requirements which, if correctly followed, can reduce the likelihood of incidents.

ISA Welcomes its Newest Chapters

Sep 16, 2020

ISA chapters, associate organizations and professional affiliates play a critical role in the organizations ability to understand the arboriculture industry at the global level. As of June 2020, the number of ISA’s components has grown to 65. Please join us in welcoming ISA’s newest components.

Jon Cocking to remain EAC President until 2021

Sep 16, 2020

The European Arboricultural Council (EAC) announced in an August news release that Jonathan Cocking agreed to maintain his current position as president of the EAC.

UPS Peak Surcharges in Effect

Sep 16, 2020

ISA webstore customers may notice an uptick in item costs as we move into peak shipping season. UPS has put into effect new 2020 Peak Surcharges. These surcharges are in addition to the standard or negotiated UPS shipping charges traditionally paid.  

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