
Student doing research

ISA is working to strengthen our support of research to promise a brighter future for arborists and the professional care of trees around the world. Your personal contribution makes an impact on advancements in arboricultural research and funds scholarships.

Consider making an investment in research to help fund projects related to:

  • Root and Soil Management
  • Planting and Establishment
  • Plant Health Care
  • Risk Assessment and Worker Safety
  • Technology Transfer
  • Urban Forestry

Get Involved

One of the best ways to support arboriculture and urban forestry research is through the Tree Research and Education Endowment (TREE) Fund. The TREE Fund is a 501(c)(3) charity offering numerous grants and scholarships in support of research, outreach programs, and education in the fields of arboriculture and urban forestry.

TREE FundTo actively contribute to the advancement of our industry, please visit the TREE Fund website and make an online donation. You may choose to make a contribution to the general TREE Fund, or you may choose to support a specific program, such as the Safe Arborist Techniques Fund. Visit their Donation page to learn more about the dedicated funds available.

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