Second Public Review of ANSI Z133-2017 Proposed Revisions

Second Public Review of ANSI Z133-2017 Proposed Revisions
The second public review and comment period on the proposed draft revision to the ANSI Z133-2017 standard is open until 18 March 2024.
View the current (second draft) proposed revision to the ANSI Z133-2017 standard.
View a version with tracked changes from the first draft that went out to public comment on 21 July 2023.
View the accompanying annexes for the proposed revision here. Note that these annexes are not part of the standard, and, as such, they are not subject to public review. Some of the annexes are still in progress, but the current versions (if available) have been provided to serve as a reference.
We encourage anyone with comments to submit them via this webform. All comments should specify the subsection in question, indicate the comment, provide revised wording of the subsection, and include a rationale for the change.
Every comment submitted on the parts of the standard that are available for review (sections that are not grayed out) will be brought to the consideration of the Z133 Committee in its April 2024 meeting. Following that meeting, by end of June 2024, you will receive a formal response from the committee on its decisions regarding your comment(s). Any comments received regarding gray text (not available for comment) will be held for the next revision cycle and will not be responded to this cycle.
For incomplete or unintelligible submissions, ISA will reach out by email to the contact provided to resolve any questions on the submission. If no response to ISA's queries is received within 10 business days, the incomplete or unintelligible comments may be discarded and may not receive a committee response.
The email contact for comments, questions, or concerns, is In case of any difficulty, you may also reach out by phone to +1 678.367.0981 x226. Please leave a voicemail if not immediately answered.
More about the Z133 Proposed Revisions and the Public Review
The American National Standard for Arboricultural Operations—Safety Requirements (the Z133 standard) is a United States safety standard for use across the arboriculture industry. The current edition of the Z133 was published in 2017. Since that year, the Z133 Committee has drafted revisions to refine the standard, ensure better safety outcomes, and keep pace with developments in the industry.
To ensure that the revision process is open to all parties directly and materially interested in the standard, the Z133 Committee's proposed draft is submitted to a public review and comment period. This crucial step ensures that every perspective is considered, often resulting in substantive changes and improvements to the committee's draft. All such substantive changes are again made available for public review and comment, iteratively, until the Z133 Committee decides no further changes are needed.