Who We Are

The Component Council is comprised of one voting member from each ISA Chapter, Professional Affiliate and the Credentialing Council. It also includes non-voting members from each of ISA’s Associate Organizations and the TREE Fund.


The primary functions of the Council will be to provide a forum for collaboration and cooperation between ISA Component organizations; develop proposals to the Board of Directors concerning ISA policies, activities, and other matters of organizational interest; advise ISA on educational and similar programs of benefit to the membership and the Society; and develop and administer processes and activities that foster the free exchange of ideas and information among the Component organizations and the membership.

Contact Directory

Asociación Mexicana de Arboricultura
Mónica Martínez Hurtado
Mexico City, Mexico
Hong Kong
Yuen Long, Hong Kong
New England Chapter
Anne-Marie Moran
Holden, Massachusetts U.S.A.
New York State Arborists Chapter
Wayne Dubin
Mendham, New Jersey, U.S.A
Norway Chapter
Harestua, Norway
Penn-Del Chapter
John (Chip) Heyser
Norristown, Pennsylvania, U.S.A
Sweden Chapter
MALMÖ, Sweden
Arboricultural Research and Education Academy
Rich Hauer
Stevens Point, Wisconsin U.S.A.
Society of Commercial Arboriculture
Dana Tripp
Urbana, Illinois USA
Urban and Community Forestry Society
David Lefcourt
Salem, Oregon, U.S.A.
Utility Arborist Association
Kevin Puls
Glasgow, Virginia, U.S.A.
Asociación Colombiana de Arboricultura
Nury Villamil
Bogota, Colombia
Belgium Arborist Association
Michiel De Temmerman
Izegem, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium
Croatia Arboricultural Society
Milan Pernek
Jastrebarsko, Zagrebacka, Croatia
European Arboriculture Council
Wolfgang Gross
Bad Honnef, Germany
Finnish Tree Care Association
Marika Pylkkänen
Helsinki, Finland
Lithuanian Arboricultural Center
Jonas Davenis
Vilnius, Lithuania
Malaysia Society of Arborists
Puteri Bahrun
Puchong, Selangor, Malaysia
Slovensko - Slovak Republic
Michal Zelenak
Zahorska ves, Slovakia
Japan Arborists Association
Naohiro Ujita
Ina City, Nagano, Japan
Arboricultural Association (UK)
John Parker
Stonehouse, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
Estonian Arborist Association
Robert Oetjen
Elva, Tartu County, Estonia
Lithuanian Arborists Association (LARA)
Arnas Švelnikas
Vilnius, Lithuania
Asociación Peruana de Arboricultura y Forestería Urbana
Juany Durand
San Borja, Lima Peru
Asociación Costarricense de Arboricultura
Lazaro Solis
Alajuela, Alajuela, Costa Rica
Georgia Arborist Association
Christie Bryant
Marietta, Georgia, USA
Sociedad Chilena de Arboricultura (Chile)
Patricio Sepúlveda
Fruitillar, Los Lagos, Chile
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