
Arboriculture Research and Education Academy (AREA)

AREA - Arboricultural Research and Education AcademyThe Arboriculture Research and Education Academy (AREA) was established to encourage communication and coordination among scientists and educators working in arboriculture and urban forestry. AREA supports efforts of faculty, students, and researchers in conducting and disseminating arboricultural and urban forestry research.

AREA supports education pertaining to the management of trees in urban environments at the individual tree or the landscape level. Efforts include the educational sessions at the ISA Annual International Conference, which are devoted to presenting student and professional research; supporting periodic workshops and seminars; fostering and promoting arboriculture and urban forestry education at colleges and universities; and hosting working groups directed toward research and education in arboriculture and urban forestry.

For more information about AREA

Science and Research Committee (SRC)

The purpose of the Science and Research Committee (SRC) is to advocate the importance of research within ISA and to foster the exchange of research among the academic and research communities and professionals. The SRC identifies important new opportunities for science and research that add value to arboriculture and urban forestry.

SRC’s current request for proposals

For more information about SRC, contact ISA

View the SRC Literature Review Series

International Union of Forest Research Organization (IUFRO)

IUFRO - International Union of Forest Research OrganizationThe International Union of Forest Research Organization (IUFRO) is an international association focusing on forest sciences. Its mission is to promote the coordination of and the international cooperation in scientific studies embracing the whole field of research related to forests and trees for the well-being of forests and the people that depend on them.

Within its Social Aspects of Forests and Forestry Division, IUFRO offers subject-specific categories, such as the Urban Forestry Unit that focuses on the importance of urban green spaces as contributors to the quality of the urban environment.

For more information on IUFRO
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